by | Nov 12, 2019 | General News

The Oberlin Group of Libraries wholeheartedly supports the University of California’s decision to move millions of dollars away from an unsustainable system of publishing, a system that does more to restrict than to promote access to information.  (May 2019)

The Oberlin Group of Libraries wholeheartedly supports the University of California’s decision to move millions of dollars away from an unsustainable system of publishing, a system that does more to restrict than to promote access to information. We hope these savings will be used to promote more sustainable, open access models of publishing. And we hope, too, that the UC decision will serve as a model for other consortia—the beginning of an exodus and the reallocation of funds to support publishing models that align with the values of libraries and the academy.  Approved by the Oberlin Group Membership, May 2019.